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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm in a transit place right now.

John has applied for a Chief Engineer's position in Arizona and I'm kind of delighted by it. I just hate the wait involved in finding out if he has the job and then it'll be a few months without him while he looks for a place down there and gets it set up for the move. It also means I'll be the one packing up everything here. (Goddess I dread the thought).
I figure if we move there it's a good thing all around. we get a new start and a better place to live and Arizona gets two democrats to help fight the douchebags in power there.

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll like it. I lived there just over two years and felt a lot freer (or is that free-er) than I do here in so many ways. They just don't breathe down your neck like they do here for things, which is interesting considering how anal the GOP can be! LOL Not sure if you're looking at Phoenix or Tucson, but good luck! Tombstone is great and I know you'll love Bisbee. Mexican food there puts any around here to shame!
