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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Latest Dreams

 I had a dream a few weeks ago.

 I was young, maybe in my early teens, and I was walking through a housing complex with trees that had lost all their leaves and there was snow everywhere, not a storm, just light snow falling. I was discussing how trees were worthy of protections just like all other life forms with two teenage girls. The first girl was Native American (Peruvian or some other South American tribe) and a Girl who looked to be a Celtic maiden with red hair and fair skin.
Eventually we walked to a forest and the red haired girl asked if I wanted to understand the glamour and enchanting medicine of Brother Fox. I said sure, and we changed into Fox/human hybrids and ran happily through the woods on all fours. I woke up still feeling like I was with her in the woods and it took a few minutes to balance myself.

Last night I dreamt that I was sent to jail (I'm not sure why) and because I did everything they asked and was so nice to everyone the people who run the jail allowed me to walk around in cell blocks I was not in. At one point I was told I needed to go into solitary confinement and I did so willingly but I somehow got displaced from the guard and was wandering around looking for her. I noticed there was a fire in the building and alerted the guards. We were all ushered out into a court yard (now that I think about it we may have been under the tree from the Fabulous Mr. Fox) and watched the place burn.
The fire was put out and it was found to be the computer room that was burning. I went back into the building and walked into the cell of an old friend (in real life) named Balthazar.
He was selling gemstone jewelry out of his cell and they were all at ridiculous prices. He also had a ton of candles burning and I could tell they were spells of some sort. I told him  that I had come to understand working with/for him at the Gypsy Camp was what caused much of my bad luck over the years (I do not feel this in real life, my mistakes are my own) I looked at the price tag and they all had a price in dollars and an additional + number. I asked him if that was the payment on my soul for every purchase, every thing we ever did together and I woke up.
I'm not sure what that all means, I'm not blaming B for anything. He's been in jail for many years and may be dead by now as he was in ill health at that time. He did symbolize the essence of the modern wizard to me and maybe it's a warning to not become him, as if that were going to happen.

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