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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thanks Mom!

My mother Janet Leven died over 20 years ago. Every once in a while she comes to me in dreams just to reassure me that she's doing OK. This morning I was dreaming about cleaning out RV/trailer type things when she came to me and said "Everything is going to be fine." I didn't give it too much thought as the date of her death is the 30th of this month and that's the usual time she comes to me.

This afternoon my sister Jeanie called and told me that our sister Cathy was in the hospital and had had a heart attack. I started to panic until I remembered Mom's words from this morning. So Thanks Mom, I trust Cathy will be fine.


  1. Sorry to hear about Cathy, and good to hear you still keep in touch with your mom.

  2. I've had my mom in my dreams lately, but no "messages". She's just there out of the blue and out of context to the dream. Still, I remember having seen her but not the dream. I've wondered what it's about.
