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Sunday, July 3, 2011

I got the news today Oh boy!

John and I decided to eat at Sonic tonight. The only Sonic is near us is only a mile away from my sister Jean's house. This is the same house I grew up in, Jean and Cathy got the house when Mom passed well Jean told us tonight that She is loosing the house.
She never told me she was in such dire straights (Not that there would be thing one I could do to help her). It seems that during the winter the oil tank cracked and the heating oil would leak out and each time she needed to refill it it was about a grand. That and the fact that she's been struggling with debt from my nephew Michael and all his medical needs she just can't keep up with it. She said their last day will be the 15th of this month so I may have just been to my family home for the very last time.
I would have thought I would be more upset or angry about this but all I really have in a sense of relief. It's like an anchor of time has been lifted and we can all move on with our lives now. Jean is moving into a very nice apartment and it's all new everything. The house has been falling apart around her all this time to the point John and I kind of felt bad going there knowing we couldn't help her out ourselves.
But this seems like the point in time for change for the Leven family. Jean is moving and thew old house will be brought down and a new home will be built on it's site, I can only hope that the house is as filled with love as ours was. Now with John and I hopefully moving to Phoenix and Cathy doing her own thing without being able to hold anything over Jeanie maybe we cal all move on and up with our lives.


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