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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Marriage Sanity

I want everyone to understand that I love my hubby John with everything I have and want everyone to feel free to do so (Maybe not with John, find your own partner).

When we talk about Marriage we need to be very specific on what we mean. There are two types of marriage,

1) Holy Marriage: The recognition of a union in the eyes of a religious community like the one John and I had in 1995 at the First U.U. Church of Reading (We have the honor of being the first male couple married there.)

2) Civil Marriage: The recognition of the government of a union in the eyes of the legal and greater society outside of religious institutions. We had ours at the U.U. Church of Provincetown in 2004.

Stated clearly as it can be you should be able to have a Civil Marriage simply by being a member of your country. In the United States of America we say "all men are created equal" and thus all people gay/ straight or otherwise should be able to marry.

Things become slightly murkier with Holy Marriage, but If your religion allows it, marry who you want, however if the dogma of your faith teaches you that you can only marry the Opposite gender then that's what you have. Now you can actually have a Civil Marriage if you want but it can't be recognized by your faith.

There you have it. stated as simply as possible. There is no right to deny LGBTQ people a Civil Marriage ever, we have protections in our constitution against that, and if your religion allows it have a Holy Marriage as well.

But don't you fucking DARE to tell me I can't get legally/Civically Married just because you or your faith says so. By doing that all you do is spread ignorance and hatred. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Updates and traumas.

I'm sorry I haven't written in so long but I have been going through a lot of physical and emotional crap. As you know I had a "Non-Cerebral" stroke that fucked up my left side only weeks after having a minor heart attack. Well about 6 weeks after the stroke I threw some blood clots and Killed off a major portion of my spleen.
My day to day physical strength seems to wax and wane for unknown reasons but is most definitely on the decline. My left hand is all but a claw most of the time and I'm starting to have tendon pain when I stretch it out. Add to that the fact that my doctor has put me on a diet I cannot stick to, not because of cravings but because I have no kitchen in order to prepare my own food. We eat out all the time.
My emotional and spiritual life is just as bad I'm always on the verge of tears feel like there is no hope most of the time but I know that's bullshit intellectually so I keep plowing on.
I am now on Social Security (SSI) and Medicaid so at least my meds and doctors appointments are covered. But I just had to basically throw myself to the floor to get out of the bath tub. I honestly hate this and if it wasn't for those I love and the grief they would have if I were to die, I would have killed myself by now.

Like I said originally, this is my truth.