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Friday, July 27, 2012

Dieting sucks when your husband is of no help.

You know I LOVE my husband John, but (you knew there was gonna be a but) I really want to strangle him at times. I'm trying to diet. My doctor put me on the South Beach Diet and it's really hard on me.
For the first two weeks it's all protein and veggies, NO carbs at all. Well seeing as we have no kitchen it's pretty much impossible for me to do this diet seeing as I can't even make a freaking egg, let alone keep anything fresh. So the basic diet of protein and veggies is really hard unless I want to eat salads for breakfast. I can't cook veggies unless I make a mess and only canned veggies at that which means extra salt which I can't have. So, No protein and no veggies unless we go out to eat which I can't afford on my own as I would be for breakfast. I've been trying to get by with canned fruit in the mornings instead of cereal but that, the fruit, of course is carbs and I shouldn't be having that.
I have tried many many times to get John to realize that I'm struggling to keep to my diet but with out a food prep area/kitchen it's almost impossible. He of course seems to think I'm being "to hard on myself" and jumping in head first without giving myself time to adjust to the diet. But that's the god damned point. I'm not allowed carbs so my body will "reset" itself and get my "unhooked" from carbs.

So I have a husband that:
1) wants me to lose weight
2) will not help me make room for a kitchen of any type
3) is actually enabling me to stay heavy by not helping me stick to my diet.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband but there are times I just want to smack him.