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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Well it was coming like a freight train at me...

My heart condition Atrial Ahrrythmia is getting out of control. For years Doctors have been telling me to lose weight or get severe physical health problems and bang here they are. There are only 2 choices for me neither is preferable. The one I didn't choose is to just stay in Ahrrythmia and take more meds hoping they keep me stable (already told the chances of winning the lottery is better. The choice I DID decide on is to try the cardiac shock again and start on a drug that has far better success at keeping people in normal sinus rhythem but after 4 years has some terrible side effects like thyroid, lung, and liver disease. The doctor swears that I'll be monitored and the first sign of trouble they will stop the drug.

Now with both options comes the dreaded mandatory diet. I am advised to get barriatric surgery and informed the doctor that Unitedhealthcare will not cover any type of weight loss surgery. I can only hope that John does get the new job as the benefits package is supposedly first rate.


  1. Don't make me come up there and force you on a diet.

    Love you,


  2. How about not waiting for the barriatric surgery and starting to change your life style while you still have one to change?

    You don't need a "diet" a "diet" is something you start and quit, what you need is to start eating right and getting a healthy amount of cardio excersize every day!

    I say this with all the love in my heart, quit your bitchin, quit the pity party, get off your fat ass and get moving!

    There are too few of us good ones left, we can't afford to lose anymore!


    1. Thanks for your imput Jesse, I'm now on a basically salt free and fat free diet. It's going to be a hard road for me but I can do it.

  3. i'm fighting/winning the battle of the bulge it is doable at any age in any physical condition. ask you dr for a healty eating plan (i too abhor the word diet!) and stick to it, we all love you but sweetie you gotta love yourself enough to take care of you! sendin prayer and reiki! xoxoxoxoxo
