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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Charity begins at home.

I've been reading all over the web (Facebook IS the entire web right?) about how with the economy crashing down around our ears there are people starving and without shelter. So very many have lost everything they own and more are being added to that list every day while our richest are having record profits off our very meat and bones.
Has it occurred to those who are sitting in their warm homes that maybe they do have some power left to help those less fortunate?
I say we start creating micro-communities within cities. Small apartment buildings that are going to pot can be brought up to code and then we start living in them. Restructured they can have communal gardens and people could dedicate themselves to policing and protecting their communities. They could try to live as independently from the main city as they can while still being a part of the city.
All I'm saying really is we need to redefine community and rededicate ourselves to building and maintaining those communities. I know it sounds a bit Mad Max but it could work if all the "micro-coms" worked off the same concepts and principles.

We also (in my opinion) need to establish a new way to live amongst each other and communicate with each other more readily. New rules that work for our diverse cultures and create equality for everyone and actually mean it. We need to also put limits on religions. Everyone is entitled to his or her faith but there should NEVER be a time that a person of one faith uses their faith to power over someone of another faiths choices.
The sooner people come to that conclusion the better.

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