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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am everything you hate.

I am everything you hate.

Dear “Conservative Christians”, Bible thumping mad people and all others who fear and hate gay people,

My name is Joe Leven and it appears you hate me and want to see me either dead or imprisoned for whom and what I am. Yes I’m homosexual. I live with another man whom I love and cherish more than the air I breathe.
But that is nothing to fear. Honestly there is far more to me than that because I stand for all the things you fear.

I stand for Truth
I stand for Justice
I stand for Peace
I stand for Tolerance
I stand for Love in all its forms
I stand for understanding and the end to slavish dogma.
I stand for thinking for myself and not blind obedience to others.
I stand for Progress, not just for myself but for all mankind no matter who they are or                                   how they might differ from me.
I stand for everyone who is oppressed
I stand for the planet because we have used her to the point of near destruction
I stand for you, because I wish you to heal from your wounded souls and join us in the light.

You see? There you have it. The real reason my people are so hated by you is because we want you to be as happy as we are living in a world that is a living tribute to creation and not the bleak antiseptic hell you are trying to create for us all.

So the real reason you hate me is because I’m actually following in Jesus’ path and I’m not even Christian.

In all love,


  1. Hey! Thanks for following my new blog! I appreciate it.

  2. NPR had a great spot on Thursday's "Fresh Air" Interviewing the author of "Unprotected Text: The Bible's Surprising Contradictions About Sex and Desire." Give a listen, makes ya think... if only other 'followers of the Bible' would.

  3. Also, if memory serves, Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, ever. So long as people were good to one another, served honestly and better the world they lived in, heaven and the Lord were their's.

  4. Joe, once again brilliant. I could have used your words and your experience in my car today.
