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Monday, November 8, 2010

Never let it be said that I didn't try hard to run from my destiny...

Saturday morning I pulled a rune for a 'forecast' of what would happen Sunday during my class on "Connecting to the Universal Muse". The Rune I pulled was The Blank Rune called Wyrd.
The website Bewitching ways gives us:

"Runes are thought of as mysterious, as secrets, and the Blank Rune is the biggest secret of all-the secret of Fate. It stands apart from the rest of the runes, even as it has become a part of the divination system. It represents the X in the human condition.
The Blank Rune is also called Wyrd (pronounced "weird"), which is the collective name given to the Norns, the three goddesses or fates of Teutonic mythology. Their individual names are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld; they represent the three aspects of time-past, present, and future. The Norns rule over the karma that each person has accrued during his or her incarnation.
Wyrd indicates fate-those events that are fated or inevitable. They cannot be evaded, no matter what you do. Those events indicated in the reading may be good or bad, and the other runes in the cast will determine the nature of the event.
Wyrd also indicates fatefulness. When it falls in a prominent position, it indicates that if a particular step or choice is taken, life will never be the same again. Again, this could be good or bad. The rune or runes in the result position will often guide the querent as to what move he or she should make.
Finally, the Blank Rune in a reading can indicate anything that must be kept secret for the good of the querent. It can signify things relating to others that the querent has no business knowing. Wyrd is often prominent in rune casts where the querent is asking for information that is none of his business."

I immediately realized I was going to meet someone there who would change my life for the better. I also put it out of my mind as I already had enough to worry about and my stage fright was already giving me chills.

After a bad night I was able to catch an hours nap and went to the Gallery. 
Once there I met Michele. She was a woman I met the week before but was too tired to read for her, she however remembered me and already had plans for me. Through out the day she would tell me little bits about how she coached people who were Life Coaches and who give talks to large groups I guess they are called Motivational Speakers. She is convinced I would be a perfect fit for a project she is putting together but has not explained everything to me yet. 

The talk went well but only 5 people showed up. Not that I should have expected more, it was poorly promoted and half of the people were my friends. I still did very well considering my lack of sleep. I'm still shocked by how people react to me when I speak to groups. I feel a little bit unworthy of the attention and yet I can't begin to tell you how blessed I feel that I have this obvious gift with people. The attendees loved the talk and afterward Michele, Eric (my best friend) and I discussed teaching and where I may be going from there and Eric getting into teaching Taichi. 

I'm looking forward to Michele and I having the time to sit and discuss what she wants from me and what she can offer me.

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