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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Health update 4/12/11

I went to the doctors yesterday and my heart seems to be doing fine. It's fully back in rhythm and I've had not rev-ups. The Warfarin they have me on is a bit too much so I'm taking less (so I don't get a nose bleed and exsanguinate).
My weight is getting out of control though. I'm 6'2" and 312 pounds. I need to drop a good 100 lbs. I'm hoping that with the move I'll have better food choices (not having a kitchen sucks) and will drop some of this excess asap.


  1. glad the tickers ok darlin! and i KNOW how difficult the weight loss can be i used to be 300+ myself (220 now) best of luck! is the move definate now? he got the job?
