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Monday, September 6, 2010

How Reiki saved my life and has me walking today.

Back in 2000 John's "father" (the reason for the quotes is that he was not much of one) passed away. My history with the man was the 7 years I knew him was the longest 3 decades of my life. Anyway...
I had just started a new Job and already I had to take off for the funeral of a man I honestly hated. While John and I were cleaning out his home I started to have back pain, nothing new to me as I have a very bad back, then I started getting fevers and cold symptoms, and chalked it up to being the dead of winter and I had caught a cold or a flu.
As time passed the symptoms got worse and I started missing work as I couldn't sit up straight or walk very well. The fevers were getting worse and I was getting concerned. I started going to a chiropractor by the name of Dr. Payne (I should have known from the name). Payne was worried something more was wrong with me then just a simple slipped disc and wanted me to get an MRI but I had no insurance and was honestly scared as I was loosing the ability to use my left leg. Yeah, I said it. I was loosing my ability to use my left leg, it was locked in a sitting position and I couldn't get it to relax. Now any SANE person would have gone to the ER but I've always been a head-in-the-sand kind of guy when it comes to my health and didn't want to go. John for what it's worth didn't want to force me to do anything I didn't want to do and, like a moron, didn't insist I go.

3 months had passed by the time I got a ride to the Doctors office and when they saw me the doctor honestly thought i was going to die on his exam table. My blood pressure was 80/40 and I was literally ash grey. The admitted me immediately and ran a battery of tests. It seems I had a massive infection in my blood stream. They couldn't tell me how it got there but one of the ways made some sense to me. A pimple.

Yes a pimple nearly killed me. It had developed on my lower back just under my belt and was terribly painful, refusing to pop and then one day it was gone and I assumed it had popped on it's own. It must have popped into my flesh and festered there. Now while I still thought I had a strained back a friend of ours who was a massage student had attempted to do a procedure on me the "opens up your spine and relieves pressure on your discs" the infection was given access to my spinal cord and I entered a world of hurt.

So there I am in the hospital receiving mega dosages of antibiotics and feeling foolish that I almost died. The doctors had told me I was 6 to 8 hours from my body giving out from the massive infection. They took me into surgery two days after I was admitted because they had to get me to a point where I could survive the procedure and the doctor said "Mr. Leven I don't want to give you false hope, Most likely you will need a walker or some other form of assistance to walk again. The chance of you walking again on your own is slim" and even in my drugged out state I remember telling him I would do a Jig for him in a few weeks. He didn't smile or anything.

It was going to be weeks in the hospital with tubes in an open incision in my back draining out the infection (I actually popped when they made it and a nurse passed out) and i was unable to get out of bed without assistance but I just couldn't use a bed pan, so I decided that I would practice my Reiki on myself. Hours at a time I channeled and it seemed to take on a life of it's own, The energy just flowed even when I wasn't concentrating on it you could even feel it in the room around me. My nurses would come in on their breaks and ask if it was OK to sit and relax, they all said there was this energy I was giving off that made them feel rested and peaceful I told them what I was doing and a few of them knew of Reiki and the others became believers. I started to heal at a rate that was way above normal and my strength came back very quick as well. I was able to get out of bed and walk with a walker within days of my procedure but only for short periods of time. after two weeks I saw my doctor in the hall and he seemed alarmed I was up and walking without a nurse along with me for support and I pushed the walker to one side and started shuffling my feet, he asked me what I was doing and I said "This is the best Jig I have ever been able to do." He started laughing and the nurses all seemed to be astounded he was doing it.

By the end of the 3 weeks I was in the Reading Hospital I had a grown strong enough to walk on my own but needed physical therapy as i was still really unsteady and needed the walker so they sent me to rehab. While there I continued the Reiki on myself and the nurses all remarked how peaceful my room seemed. As before I explained the Reiki and I continued to prove I was healing very fast. I was released from the rehab almost 2 weeks earlier than they estimated i would and walking on my own with no assistance needed. It was another few months at home with a pic line ( a semipermanent IV tube in my arm leading directly into my heart) and twice daily antibiotic injections but I'm fine now except for a weakened immune system and a foot long scar up my back.
The doctors gave me a chance of dieing on the table with a 80% chance of either not walking at all or at minimum needing a walker and here I am. I blame it on the Reiki and the love of my husband.


  1. Joe, I never knew about that, but I am VERY glad you came through it!

  2. It was an amazingly stupid thing to nearly kill me. Thankfully now I have the oposite effect and every scrape and boo-boo I want to rush to an ER. lol
