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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To sleep, perchance to rest... that is the question.

I've known I had sleep apnea for many years. but it's gotten really bad in the last year or so and I figured it was time to have a sleep study done. I had one on Easter Sunday night and it was awful. I couldn't sleep between all the wires attached to me and the ultra soft bed making my back ache.

They were able to get me to sleep for about 2 hours and had enough information to tell I stop breathing 90 TIMES IN A HOUR. I don't even get a full minute of sleep before choking. They will be setting me up with a CPAP machine and hopefully I'll be able to get some actual rest like I haven't had in years.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy 17th Anniversary John!

Today is John's and my 17th anniversary. Goddess it's been a long strange trip and I wouldn't change much, mostly just my own crap, John is about as perfect as he can be.
I'm posting this song because this is what he is in my life. He's always there for me no matter what I do or how stupid I can be. I think I'll light a candle today for all the lovers in the world and all those seeking love so that they might find one another.

All my Love and Lightning,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Health update 4/12/11

I went to the doctors yesterday and my heart seems to be doing fine. It's fully back in rhythm and I've had not rev-ups. The Warfarin they have me on is a bit too much so I'm taking less (so I don't get a nose bleed and exsanguinate).
My weight is getting out of control though. I'm 6'2" and 312 pounds. I need to drop a good 100 lbs. I'm hoping that with the move I'll have better food choices (not having a kitchen sucks) and will drop some of this excess asap.

I'm in a transit place right now.

John has applied for a Chief Engineer's position in Arizona and I'm kind of delighted by it. I just hate the wait involved in finding out if he has the job and then it'll be a few months without him while he looks for a place down there and gets it set up for the move. It also means I'll be the one packing up everything here. (Goddess I dread the thought).
I figure if we move there it's a good thing all around. we get a new start and a better place to live and Arizona gets two democrats to help fight the douchebags in power there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Living with pain.

We all have pain for the most part. Physical pain like back issues, stress headaches, and such keep us understanding we're alive in the worst way possible. I am developing arthritis in my hands it seems and in this cold damp weather I'm in constant pain. I guess I'll have to start seeing a Rhumatologist to see what can be done.

The good news is John has applied for a position in Arizona and i may not have to deal with the cold all that much longer.