This is the blog of my life. I will be as open and honest, even blunt as i can about who and what I am. My hope in doing this is to show people who a "typical" gay person is, where I come from and what i want out of life. I intend to dispel any myths or misconceptions about gays and start an open dialog with any and all people who care to contact me. I welcome people who have questions about LGBT people and will endeavor to answer as clearly as I can and with all truth.
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Why I hate the holidays.
Well I tell John that if he wants some of what's here he should take it upstairs to his computer room where I never go so I won't eat it. He brought home a bunch of cookies and left them on my bed so I assumed they were mine to eat, 4 days later after I have eaten most of it he asks where it all is and I said i thought it was mine to eat and he gets all pissed off.
I tell him EVERY SINGLE TIME that if he wants some to take it out of my room but he didn't and now he's pissed at me.
Monday, December 20, 2010
2| Jethro Tull - Ring Out Solstice Bells (TOTP 9-12-1976)
The light has never left us but some times needs to remind us that we have strength that we can only see when we are in the dark.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Special Message to my LGBT Family and Friends.
We have had a huge breakthrough with the ending of DADT here in the states and we have a lot of things to be thankful for. It's actually starting to seem like we may not be second class citizens too much longer. We have a long way to go however in American and in the world to make intolerance towards all people end.
The "Religious Right" in our country is shaking their sabers and calling for an end to the DADT repeal already and even there is talk of heightened violence against us. Please remember that we are the better people, we have the innate capacity to love across gender lines and with that comes the compassion and insight to love beyond the walls placed in our way.
I believe in peace and love being the only way to face hatred and fear head on and that's what we need to do now. Get out of your closets and comfortable 'invisible' lives and talk to people from different religions and opinions. We are a strong people because we COME FROM these groups and have survived their scorn and ignorance, lets use this strength of will and love to help them come to terms with the fact that we don't want to harm them or their way of life. you see that's what they are being led to believe, that we are a threat to them and the fact that we live among them yet they don't actually get to know us makes them all the more worried.
It's time for love-ins at religious centers. We need to come together in peace in-order to help them evolve to the new paradigm, the new world of thought and acceptance that is the only way we as a species, gay or straight will survive into the next millennium.
Love and Lightning,
Joseph Leven
A special Message to God's "Gentle Loving People".
I understand that you feel your way of life is threatened and the "traditions" of intolerance you so cherish make it hard for you to accept that MY people are becoming accepted over your strong protestations but please allow your bigotry to die with a bit of grace.
It's bad enough that you fear and hate us for no REAL reason, but this campaign against us has brought you and your people nothing but ridicule and has make you the pawns of powers that want to subjugate us all.
I pray you are aware that this is all coming from a place of love for you and all people when I say these things. While I an not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other sect that allows hatred as a virtue I understand how you all must feel. I'm sure the Neanderthals must have felt something similar when our Cro-Magnon ancestors came along. The LGBT people have been persecuted long enough. We have nothing against you except for what you have done and continue to do to us as a message of your "faith".
Please realize that if your faith comes from anything outside yourselves such as the teachings of a book or the teachings of your elders than it's not worth the paper it may or may not be written on. NOTHING is immune to the manipulation of people who want to subjugate others. It's a proven FACT that the "bible" has been rewritten many many times as has the Koran and the Talmud even many of the Heathen and Pagan faiths are guilty of this, Each rewriting has been done to bend the messages in the direction of the people telling the story. It's a simple game of "whisper down the lane" gone horribly wrong.
The only true faiths left are ones based on universal love and compassion. We all understand that the world would be a better place without war, disease, and poverty yet it's these teachings that divide humanity that create all of these abuses against humanity.
I implore you to see the wisdom in what I say. Those who are calling for the deaths of ANYONE let alone the LGBT people are fundamentally anti-life and anti-love.
Love and Lightning,
Joseph Leven
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Charity begins at home.
Has it occurred to those who are sitting in their warm homes that maybe they do have some power left to help those less fortunate?
I say we start creating micro-communities within cities. Small apartment buildings that are going to pot can be brought up to code and then we start living in them. Restructured they can have communal gardens and people could dedicate themselves to policing and protecting their communities. They could try to live as independently from the main city as they can while still being a part of the city.
All I'm saying really is we need to redefine community and rededicate ourselves to building and maintaining those communities. I know it sounds a bit Mad Max but it could work if all the "micro-coms" worked off the same concepts and principles.
We also (in my opinion) need to establish a new way to live amongst each other and communicate with each other more readily. New rules that work for our diverse cultures and create equality for everyone and actually mean it. We need to also put limits on religions. Everyone is entitled to his or her faith but there should NEVER be a time that a person of one faith uses their faith to power over someone of another faiths choices.
The sooner people come to that conclusion the better.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Why do I do this to myself?
Longwood Gardens was nice if not really my cup-of-tea. I hate crowds with a blinding passion so I was honestly miserable when forced to walk the "Christmas Path". I feel bad because John couldn't really enjoy himself from my constant complaining and I just couldn't contain myself. Asinine adults and bratty kids make me want to murder, so I try to avoid crowds during the holidays. I just absorb too much negative energy that gets past my defenses and I'm like a bomb that never goes off. Thankfully we eventually met up with the gang just in time to leave.
We went back to the one couples apartment in Delaware and had a nice time chatting and eat the best home made chili and pulled pork sandwiches I ever tasted. John and I ended the night tired as hell but having had a good time.
Friday, December 10, 2010
I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Seriously. Fuck them right in the ear. Now I know you're all saying "But Joe, Not all rich people are evil. Not all of them want to crush the world under their foot and force the survivors into slavery". But fuck them anyway. Greed has become the true Satan of this world. Ignorance and blind greed are destroying the only world we have.
It seems the only way to stop them is to mount some kind of global protest. A day where we all just stop working and see what happens to the world when the true power, the people who are being subjugated, take a stand.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I truly hate the holidays and winter in general.
Know that I love you all and I'm fine, not going to hurt myself or anything stupid. I hope to be better in a month or so once the holidays are done.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sorry to be away.
I hope to be able to restart Inspiration Mondays tomorrow.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Never let it be said that I didn't try hard to run from my destiny...
The website Bewitching ways gives us:
"Runes are thought of as mysterious, as secrets, and the Blank Rune is the biggest secret of all-the secret of Fate. It stands apart from the rest of the runes, even as it has become a part of the divination system. It represents the X in the human condition.
Wyrd indicates fate-those events that are fated or inevitable. They cannot be evaded, no matter what you do. Those events indicated in the reading may be good or bad, and the other runes in the cast will determine the nature of the event.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My big day is going to stress me to death.
So my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) has acting up for days, I'm so nervous I'm having trouble sleeping and to top things off last night the boiler died and now I have no hot water to take a bath and there is limited heat in the house. The banging of the pipes helped SOOO much to make the sleep thing better and now I'm stinky, sleepy and a slew of other dwarfs that do not want to be around other living things.
I have 5 hours to make myself a happy loving human-being. Pray for the world my friends... Pray for them.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My first dog: Jupiter.
My sister Cathy had a friend named Meg that she used to get high with (not that I knew it at the time. I was oblivious to such things). Meg's dog had had puppies and I was allowed to play with them. One puppy in particular I just fell in love with and I decided he had to be mine. Now as innocent as I was in some ways I was a a master manipulator and knew just how to get my mother to agree to my having a puppy.
My father had died only a few months ago and Midnight pined for him until he passed away as well. Mom was kind of relieved because Middy (or Beef as we actually called him) was a very bad dog always escaping and getting the bitches in the neighborhood pregnant, so she was kind of glad to be rid of the old dog.
I turned on the water works a talent I had at the time, and asked mom if I could have the puppy because we now had a huge fence around the back yard and wouldn't have to worry about him getting loose and he was so cute, besides NOW THAT I WAS FATHERLESS I NEEDED SOMETHING TO LOVE. Yes I actually used my dead father against my Mom to get my puppy. Yes I was an evil little fucker. Well Mom relented after telling me no for a few days and then I finally told Meg's mom that I had permission to take my puppy home and sneaking Jupiter into my closet for a day. Once she saw him she melted (as I knew she would) and let me keep him (and I was told they would not take the puppy back).
I adored Jupiter and we were constant companions for about a week, then the unthinkable happened. My friend Tim came over to swim in our above ground pool with me and left the back gate open. Jupiter ran out while I wasn't looking and all I really remember is the squeal of tires. I ran out to the front of the house and a car was on my lawn and my puppy was dead in the street. The lady had tried to swerve to miss him but couldn't react in time and I lost a little bit of my youth that day. In the space of 4 months I had lost my dad and 2 dogs. (damn it I'm crying now)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Blessed Samhain!
Update on the readings from Saturday.
Now I have the class I'm teaching on Sunday and I'll be done with the mystical things until the new year.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I doing readings today! I love doing readings!
The fun starts at 11AM and goes till 4PM.
I'm really excited to be doing this again for the 3rd year straight (well gayly forward).
Friday, October 29, 2010
Update on Harry's customer.
This is his reply to me:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
John and the Media server from Heck! (OooooOOoo Spooky)
He created this amazing (ly complicated) server for the media center he hopes to someday have. We have hundreds of DVDs and tens of thousands of music files on the primary media server and he created a smaller unit to turn the TV into a computer system all it's own. He was trying to tweak the system so that the volume could be controlled using the wheel on the mouse where right now it's controlled via the keyboard.
He found some programs online and wound up getting a virus on the TV server and his desktop. Taking care of the virus was no big deal once he talked to the tech guys at work but trying to get the sound to sync with the video was frustrating him. He likes to listen to things really loudly while I'm not fond of loud noises (music is the one exception but only certain musics). I turned the sound down and he got a hair up his ass and all grumpy and walked out of the room. I know he's stressed but hell I just wanted to not hear the TV so loud, it was unnecessary. He was non-communicative until morning and I still think he needs to apologize to me for being a bit of a prick.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm an inconsiderate douche bag.
Now John counts on me to clean up after the dogs and I really need to be better at it, right now he's really pissed at me and has every right. So yes I'm a douche bag.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Strange dreams last night.
That lead me into a shamanic walk and it was very cool. I saw a tee pee very clearly and out of a hole in the side was metal tracks conveying stone blocks in pairs. The stones were white but not glossy. I entered through the opening that the tracks used and everything was bigger and more real. I had left the dream world behind and stepped into true reality. I walked among huge butterflies along a stream and looked at myself in the water. I seem to be taking on aspects of where I journey now because I was more Faerie looking and less human. as soon as I saw my reflection I knew I had seen what I needed to see and returned to the Baby Sane dream. I wonder what's coming my way?
Saturday, October 23, 2010
One of my favorite websites.
Right now I'm watching Sicko, Michael Moore's wonderful doc on American health "care". this morning i watched "Orwell is spinning in his grave" a doc about how the media and big business are attempting to take over the American people via mass media messaging and subverting the truth. is also a great place to find docs.
This is why I left Harry's Occult shop.
"i hope all is well, with u. i need some help. i need some resources to strengthen my relationship, with my friend: he is on a travel job comes home 1 weekend a month, i need something to make him think only of me. i have found out that he did come home a weekend but did not come see me. This i dont want to ever happen again. to be honest i want him obsessed with me. what can i do. i stop burning the pink & red candles that xxxx use to make for me from harrys. i have a seal with a piece of his clothes buried in my front yard, that seems to keep him coming back, He moved most of his stuff in my house, but i need something stronger & more powerful. What can i do, or can u direct me to someone who will not judge (u no the life style & not cost me a fortune) to assist me in the matter?
Friday, October 15, 2010
I'm going (Not) so slightly mad.
I just have no idea what to do anymore. My lack of enthusiasm has me paralyzed so bad I can't get myself to do the laundry.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
An Open Letter to Those who Hate me and my people.
I understand that you are stupid and hate filled and unworthy of my notice, but I honestly need to address your shit. You need to understand that I am not a part of your faith. I couldn't give less of a fuck about Jesus or Mohammad or any of the multitude of fucking stupid religious jackasses (I'm looking at YOU Pope) that you all think hate me for my ability to love. Yes you hate me because I CAN LOVE. I have no prejudices against who I can and can't love. I don't let others dictate to me what love is and I sure as hell don't care about who you all love.
I do take offense at you attempting to dictate to me who it's appropriate for me to love and wrapping that opinion in your personal version of morality that I personally find immoral. I also take offense at your attacks on other people who are just trying to live their lives as best they can. If you don't believe in abortion then DON"T HAVE ONE, but to try to tell a woman they have to have a child because they made the mistake of having unprotected sex or is the victim of a rape, that's just amazingly stupid and beyond my ability to tolerate.
Well you have pissed me off and I'll not be quiet anymore. You have been warned.
Love and Lightning,
Joe Leven
I have the gay.
Today is a much more sober day. Today is the anniversary of the death (Murder) of Matthew Shepard. I remember when I first heard about his death, how I just couldn't wrap my mind around the evil. I wondered even back then if I shouldn't be looking at another country to live in.
Now we have a group of kids killing themselves because of bullying and the Christian Right ramping up their hatred openly and I ask myself again, Why do I stay here?
Of course money is a major factor. I have none and you need money to do anything in this world. But I have another issue. I'm sick of running from them. I'm sick of hiding and avoiding them.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Inspiration Monday 10/04/2010
When the Love Spider dances…
I spoke to Mother Spider this morning. I asked her for the help of her children of the interwebs. I have seen so much hurt and so many people with pain in their hearts that I was left in tears. I said to Mother Spider who is one of the wisest of all the spirits and said I have a plan to spread Joy and The healing touch of Love.I asker her if she could allow her children to carry a gift of pure universal love to everyone who receives an email or message or reads this posting today and for all time after. Her many eyes glowed at my heart felt gift for all of mankind and I felt myself bitten by the tiniest of mouths and looking at my palm I realized there was a small spider who was now dancing drunkenly on my palm. The small gray spider turned red and pink as it swirled and weaved its dance of love. I brought it up to my mouth and carefully kissed its tiny head and watched it leap in bliss into my computer. I can still feel the webbing its soft pink ecstasy binding me to the internet today.
So when you feel the love enter your life today don’t give it another thought but just dance whatever little dance you might want and know that the Love Spider has entered to offer you nothing but the love of all the universe. It wants nothing from you, only that you allow love into yourself in AbunDance and then spread the love to all of those around you. For love will heal our world in ways that all of the talking in recorded time will not. So dance little spider of Love, dance and wheel and spin.
Of spider bites and idiots on parade.
After our travels and my self imposed torment so that we could see the places we were thinking of starting the commune on.
Well all we really did was allow me to get sicker so by the time we got home I was honestly ready to go to the E.R. I had already had an apt with my doctor the next day and John wanted me to wait another day and see what the doctor said. The doctor looked at my leg and called me an idiot. I couldn't defend myself because I had been an idiot, I put John's needs before my own health like I tend to do. I have a long history of this, there is even a time when we had a fuck buddy over and I was so sick I stayed in one of the spare rooms while they had fun. Unfortunately I was so sick I started to projectile vomit and started choking on it and when I called out weakly for John's help he was too busy and load to hear my calls even though I was just a door away. But the past is the past and I really need to forgive both him and myself for that.
Once on the antibiotics and (really good) pain killers I started to recover but I was (am still) weak and unable to balance myself but as the swelling started to subside I could see were the twin puncture's had filled with the infection and were now oozing puss. I know enough about first aid to bandage my wounds and use a ichthammol ointment to help draw out the toxins. so as of today I'm doing pretty well but I still have some of the poison in me and really want to squish every spider I see but I'm a good man and will hold back my wrath... for NOW.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Back home from a wonderful Vacation.
We arrived at Provincetown, MA on Saturday with enough time to actually unpack with the sun still up. Unfortunately Saturday night is when my left ankle decided that it was on vacation as well and kept going out on me. So I hobbled around as best I could and we ended up seeing Miss Richfield (A drag queen) doing her bingo show. It was great even though I was dead tired and almost fell asleep before hand.
Sunday we went to Church at the incredibly impressive Universalist Church in P-town as is one of our traditions. and went grocery shopping (Yeah we're a lot like a normal family). Monday it was very very windy and they wouldn't take the boats out for whale watching so we did that on Tuesday. It was OK but not our best trip out. By Wednesday I was starting to feel bad and noticed some cellulitis developing on my right ankle so seeing as there is no medical care on the cape itself we just hoped for the best and I treated myself as best I could. On Thursday We began packing up because we decided to take the last few day and drive up to John's family in Maine to look at land for sale, we want to move to Maine for John's retirement.
I got to meet John's cousin Mike's Girlfriend Willa and his cousin Mahlia. Both wonderful people.
So the cellulitis was getting bad I was getting dizzy a lot and sweating like a faucet by Sunday for out 10 1/2 hour trip home. Thankfully I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. That assumes I can make it as walking on this foot is amazingly painful.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Vacation: the day before we leave.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Inspiration Monday 9/13/2010
“And I shall shed my light over darkest evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light, the light of the Green Lantern” – Alan Scott the original Green Lantern
Welcome to Inspiration Monday. Let’s discuss how we are seen by others today. I have always tried to shine like a beacon with what I am. Whether it’s being gay, or mystical, or just a happy loving being I have tried to never hide my light “under a bushel”.
We live in a world right now where there is great duality, wonderful good walking hand in hand with terrible evil and yet we have whole organizations that instead of helping to cure the terrible aspects of our world have only designs to make things worse. How can people live with themselves in their sanctimonious positions that they must have what they want, no matter the cost to everyone else in the world.
The only way to combat this brand of evil is to show it for what it is, to prove that they are the evil that they claim not to be. I ask you to shine today. I ask you to stand up for the love that you have for everyone and our beleaguered planet. Shine like the crazy diamonds that I know you all are.
I ask you also one last thing, we see the Tea Party having marches to protest all sorts of nonsense but why have we not had a counter protest? Why have we not taken to the streets to thank the government for what they have done and are doing to make our lives better? President Obama is doing his best to correct all sorts of injustices heaped on our people and not getting the credit he deserves I for one that him for everything he has done, is doing and will accomplish in the days ahead.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's about mutual respect.
I wonder if people of religion realize that as an American citizen in America I have every right to ignore any and all religious tenants. I can go into a temple and eat a bacon cheeseburger, I can draw pictures of Mohammad on paper in a Mosque, I can do many things, but as a good person I don't do these things. It's called respecting my fellow man and I'm tired of not getting the same respect.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Master Numerology Number 11
Your Numerology Profile

Having the Master Number 11 as your Life Path makes you an inspiration to others. Your high energy and enthusiasm is both contagious and magnetic. You are on a journey of spiritual exploration and those around you await the answers you find.
Positive Traits
Negative Traits
Astrology: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury
Rune: Tiwaz
I Ching: #63 Chi Chi
Tree of Life:
Hebrew Letter: Kaph
Shamanism: Hummingbird
Element: Air
Alchemy: Air and Diamonds
Aura: Blue and White
Colors: Ruby Red, Violet, Iridescence, Silver
Gemstones Topaz
Crystals: Mother of Pearl
Month: November
Week Day: Sunday
Lucky Numbers: 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 101
Flora: Lilly
How Reiki saved my life and has me walking today.
I had just started a new Job and already I had to take off for the funeral of a man I honestly hated. While John and I were cleaning out his home I started to have back pain, nothing new to me as I have a very bad back, then I started getting fevers and cold symptoms, and chalked it up to being the dead of winter and I had caught a cold or a flu.
As time passed the symptoms got worse and I started missing work as I couldn't sit up straight or walk very well. The fevers were getting worse and I was getting concerned. I started going to a chiropractor by the name of Dr. Payne (I should have known from the name). Payne was worried something more was wrong with me then just a simple slipped disc and wanted me to get an MRI but I had no insurance and was honestly scared as I was loosing the ability to use my left leg. Yeah, I said it. I was loosing my ability to use my left leg, it was locked in a sitting position and I couldn't get it to relax. Now any SANE person would have gone to the ER but I've always been a head-in-the-sand kind of guy when it comes to my health and didn't want to go. John for what it's worth didn't want to force me to do anything I didn't want to do and, like a moron, didn't insist I go.
3 months had passed by the time I got a ride to the Doctors office and when they saw me the doctor honestly thought i was going to die on his exam table. My blood pressure was 80/40 and I was literally ash grey. The admitted me immediately and ran a battery of tests. It seems I had a massive infection in my blood stream. They couldn't tell me how it got there but one of the ways made some sense to me. A pimple.
Yes a pimple nearly killed me. It had developed on my lower back just under my belt and was terribly painful, refusing to pop and then one day it was gone and I assumed it had popped on it's own. It must have popped into my flesh and festered there. Now while I still thought I had a strained back a friend of ours who was a massage student had attempted to do a procedure on me the "opens up your spine and relieves pressure on your discs" the infection was given access to my spinal cord and I entered a world of hurt.
So there I am in the hospital receiving mega dosages of antibiotics and feeling foolish that I almost died. The doctors had told me I was 6 to 8 hours from my body giving out from the massive infection. They took me into surgery two days after I was admitted because they had to get me to a point where I could survive the procedure and the doctor said "Mr. Leven I don't want to give you false hope, Most likely you will need a walker or some other form of assistance to walk again. The chance of you walking again on your own is slim" and even in my drugged out state I remember telling him I would do a Jig for him in a few weeks. He didn't smile or anything.
It was going to be weeks in the hospital with tubes in an open incision in my back draining out the infection (I actually popped when they made it and a nurse passed out) and i was unable to get out of bed without assistance but I just couldn't use a bed pan, so I decided that I would practice my Reiki on myself. Hours at a time I channeled and it seemed to take on a life of it's own, The energy just flowed even when I wasn't concentrating on it you could even feel it in the room around me. My nurses would come in on their breaks and ask if it was OK to sit and relax, they all said there was this energy I was giving off that made them feel rested and peaceful I told them what I was doing and a few of them knew of Reiki and the others became believers. I started to heal at a rate that was way above normal and my strength came back very quick as well. I was able to get out of bed and walk with a walker within days of my procedure but only for short periods of time. after two weeks I saw my doctor in the hall and he seemed alarmed I was up and walking without a nurse along with me for support and I pushed the walker to one side and started shuffling my feet, he asked me what I was doing and I said "This is the best Jig I have ever been able to do." He started laughing and the nurses all seemed to be astounded he was doing it.
By the end of the 3 weeks I was in the Reading Hospital I had a grown strong enough to walk on my own but needed physical therapy as i was still really unsteady and needed the walker so they sent me to rehab. While there I continued the Reiki on myself and the nurses all remarked how peaceful my room seemed. As before I explained the Reiki and I continued to prove I was healing very fast. I was released from the rehab almost 2 weeks earlier than they estimated i would and walking on my own with no assistance needed. It was another few months at home with a pic line ( a semipermanent IV tube in my arm leading directly into my heart) and twice daily antibiotic injections but I'm fine now except for a weakened immune system and a foot long scar up my back.
The doctors gave me a chance of dieing on the table with a 80% chance of either not walking at all or at minimum needing a walker and here I am. I blame it on the Reiki and the love of my husband.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Waking to a coming Dawn.
S.A.D.D. aka Spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Joe's rant to the democrats.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Internalized occupational bigotry and bias, or Why can't we stop judging each other?
Stereotyping and automatic assumptions are nothing new to any of us. We all had our detractors who see what we are or do as some how less that 'standard', I worked for many years in fast food and honestly liked doing it. I got satisfaction working with the food and making people happy in a very direct way. I was known for my biscuits at Roy Rogers, I would say a prayer to Hestia while making the dough and people said they were the best any of the had ever tasted. I love being a Mage.
Of course it gets worse when you look at the other jobs I have had, I worked as a clerk in a Porn store, sold auto parts, file clerk, customer service for Bell Atlantic and for TLA video, but the hardest to get people to accept as a legitimate job was Tarot card reader.
I have never felt comfortable in a normal 9 to 5 job. They are just not my thing, I hate being in crowds so big offices suck to me and punching a clock makes no sense to me as I like to work long hours when I really like what I do. The thing is what I like to do is what I'm called to do, I'm a healer. I am honestly compelled to help people become healthy spiritually and mentally as well as physically. But i didn't become a physician or psychiatrist as that's not what i was called to do. I became who I am, a spiritual healer, a shaman. Among my spiritually inclined friends and community That's a great thing but to the Gay and outside worlds it's looked down upon as quackery.
What I do is just as important to my clients as what a doctor or dentist or janitor or clerk and to look down on me or anyone for what they do for a living is poor people skills at the very least. and ignorant at the most.
We are on the cusp of great things for the LGBT community, equal rights and world wide acceptance are within sight but how much will it be worth if we can't be accepting of one another? The ageism, body image issues, it's all nonsense that needs to end so we can put up a united front.
So go out today and let your fellow man know you love and accept them for who they are and what they do.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This is the post that will make me seem insane, and who knows maybe I am.*
Monday, August 30, 2010
Inspiration Monday 8/30/2010: It's not to late.
I have always dreamed of living full time as a mystic, living in a place where i was surrounded by love and friends breathing in the fresh air and dancing around bonfires in the night.
John and I are looking into starting up an Intentional Community (That's the new spin on the word Commune) and this will actually allow me to do exactly what I've wanted.
We're looking in the lovely state of Maine for a large piece of property off the beaten track where we will build at least 1 prefab hound house to start with more added as people start moving to join the community.
My only problem (and it's a big one) is that John doesn't want to start this for 10 years. He'll be 69 and I'' be 57, will that be too old? I don't know but the adventure itself is worth the journey.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Lifelines LP Version) by Peter, Paul And Mary
The Big post on My Spiritual Path, or...
- Speak the truth about all matters of importance. I believe there is room in my life for little white lies, common courtesies, but never if asked directly and never if answering a question of importance to the questioner.
- Defend yourself and others. Compassion and caring are central tenants of my path, as is defending the weak and those less empowered than myself.
- Reveal falsehoods. We all see them every day. People led to believe things are factual when they clearly are not.
- Take care of yourself as well as you take care of others. We can’t forget to have compassion for ourselves. We are as important as the rest of the world. For me and many others this is an important lesson.
- Get rid of the excess in your life. Material objects can be wonderful but they have a tendency to add to the stagnation in your life, they are also distractions that keep you from becoming your most perfect self.
- Be especially thankful for all things, Life is an amazing thing. It really is what you make of it so be thankful for all things, good and bad, as they are all ‘mile markers’ along your path.
- LOVE! I cannot express this enough. Love the people in your life. Let them KNOW what they mean to you. Never let a chance go by to tell them what you feel. Take no one for granted because it reduces both of you. I try to live this but life gets in my way quite a bit.
- Study and Learn as much as you can. Knowledge and wisdom are important things. Try to be well rounded, learn what you need to survive and what you will need to help your community survive as well.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
thank you all so much, You have no idea how honored i am to have you reading my posts. Is there anything you want to hear from me? Some topics I should be writing more on? Please I honestly value your feedback.
I guess there may be people who read who aren't subscribers and I value your opinions too, please feel free to chime in.
Ideas I have for upcoming posts are I'm considering posting some things from my "Book of Shadows" and more personal observations about life as a man married to another man (as long as John says it's OK with him).
Rant 2: We need a moment of peace and compassion.
What is happening?
It can't just be the Fox News/tea party/Koch Brothers' evil mechanizations, there is something fundamentally wrong here. The rise of true Evil seems to be taking hold over the nation, and there are many people attempting to stop it but we need a symbol to rally around. In some ways the Cordoba House could be a symbol of true interfaith cooperation. If the Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues, Pagan groups, and such all came together to hold a prayer meeting or at least a press conference in brotherhood with the Muslim's in the area that would make a huge difference in the way the "common man" sees the community center.
Hell, if I could I would be up there now picketing the picketers. I'm not Muslim, I have some problems with their views on Homosexuality but i will not stand and allow other bigots to interfere in their constitutional rights. That makes me a bad person, a bad American.
With all of the hate and terror in the world today, why do we allow Fox News and their ilk stoke the flames of hatred and violence. There has to be some rules governing rabble rousing and warmongering.
Please if you can do what you're able to help your fellow Americans to understand that what they are doing is destroying the very fabric of America.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A very special Inspiration Monday: 8/23/2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Donna Summer's "Dim All The Lights"
Sort of a Rant, but not really.
Ignorance is NOT bliss and the Ignorant are not blissful
I am full of pique at the people of America who are condemning the Muslim cultural center in Manhattan, and Mosques around the country. If they would only stop being led by Fox News and the right wing fuckwads who spread hate, they might realize that all Muslims are not the cause for the Terror attacks of 9/11 any more than all Catholics are responsible for Priests who molest children. The thought is ridiculous and honestly shows how far our fellow American's minds have degraded.
We have a constitution that states there is religious freedom in America. No one has the right to block or even fucking protest the erection of a place of worship, no matter who they are. My fellow pagans, mystics, spiritualists, etc. we need to stand up to the Christian power base on this and protest their protestations.
While my personal opinions of Islam are very strong I will not allow anyone to abuse a minority group who has done nothing to us. The majority of Muslims I know are good and loving people who don't deserve any of this crap.
If this were a Wiccan cultural center and this was happening I know just about everyone I know would be up in arms, writing letters, raising funds and protesting the people against the center. There is really no difference here. The Muslim people as a group did NOT cause 9/11 and deserve some peace from the constant persecution they are experiencing It's not right more than a little evil and definatly UNAMERICAN.
Love and Lightning,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Inspiration Monday 8/09/2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Commentary 2: Learning to shut up, stop expecting others to help and learning to listen.
Friday, August 6, 2010
First Commentary; The age of Truth and Compassion.
and Jupiter aligns with mars
The peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars
this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
the age of Aquarius
harmony and understanding
sympathy and trust abounding
no more falsehoods or derisions
golden living dreams of visions
mystic crystals revelations
and the minds true liberation
when the Moon is in the seventh house
and Jupiter aligns with mars
then peace will guide the planets
and love will steer the stars
this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
the age of Aquarius